
Hi, my name is Isaac Velando. For a while I heard about cool things being done with 3D printers, but I wasn’t yet motivated to jump into that world. That changed when I started adding YoLink Water Leak Sensors to my home to add a detection layer for water leaks. The devices work great, but I quickly identified a shortcoming in that water leaks, especially slow leaks, can have unpredictable trajectories and even starting points at places like toilet water inlets. I imagined an enclosure that covered a wider surface area that would funnel water to the sensor. This led me to my very first design:

Leak Sensor Enclosure

In fact this was printed in the spool of prusament that came with my Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ which I chose to be my first printer.

Since then I’ve accumulated thousands of print hours after designing, printing, and iterating on functional 3D designs. Thinking about all of the parts I’ve made so far I find it amazing how often simple, sometimes complex pieces of plastic can fix problems, improve existing items, or act as entirely independent and useful parts.

My goals for the site include showcasing the designs I’ve made so far and focusing on the thought process that went into each of them, what I learned, and where I see room for improvement.

If you’re curious about my day job feel free to see my Linkedin profile.